Own a Holiday Park? Please read on!

The picture above is pretty typical of what can happen on holiday parks as they get busier. This leak was on 3″ PVC pipework which, as you can see from the picture, had exploded!
As Wat-er-Save had data logging equipment installed on the site we were able to detect the problem remotely and respond the same day. The leak occurred at 7:15am; we had a team on park by 9am and the leak was repaired by 11am. The leak was isolated at 8am by park maintenance with help from Wat-er-Save staff over the phone. Prior to repair the leakage was recorded at 35m3/hour and was costing the client £122.50/hour; the total cost of water lost in the end was just £91.88.
If this leak had occurred in January on a park with no data logging equipment and with poor records of how their water system worked this could have been a far more costly water leak. Most parks run with much-reduced staff over the winter period so the leak could have gone unnoticed for a number of days.
At a cost of around £2940 per day, you wouldn’t want it going unnoticed for too long! Can you really afford not to have someone looking out for you?
Wat-er-Save Services
Agriculture House
Acland Road
Dorchester DT1 1EF
(01305) 260151